An enabler for more integrated reporting on the SDGs
Published date: 24 May 2022

Revised guidance to help companies link the Sustainable Development Goals with the GRI Standards
The latest resource from GRI helps companies increase their focus to how they are contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by using the GRI Standards – the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting standards.
An updated version of Linking the SDGs and the GRI Standards is now available for organizations of all sizes and sectors. As a free resource, it maps the disclosures in the Standards against the targets set under each of the 17 SDGs, making it easier to measure, track, and communicate progress on the Global Goals. The latest release includes the GRI Universal Standards 2021 as well as GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector 2021.
Since the adoption of the SDGs in 2016, GRI has played a lead role in enabling businesses to assess and report their impacts – and hence their contribution towards sustainable development. This new version of the linkage document adds to the reporting tools and guidance we provide, to help accelerate progress and drive bolder action on the SDGs. The GRI Standards are the only global standards that support disclosure against multiple targets of the Global Goals. In particular, we remain fully committed to driving the implementation of SDG 12.6, which requires action to encourage businesses to adopt sustainable practices and integrate sustainability-related information into corporate reporting.
Peter Paul Van de Wijs, GRI’s Chief External Affairs OfficerThe document is part of a broader support effort from GRI for companies on their SDGs reporting journey. Other resources available include tools on integrating SDGs into sustainability reporting, outcomes from the SDGs Business Leadership Forum, the Rising Tide podcast series, and real-life case studies on how businesses are incorporating reporting on the SDGs.
GRI also offers an SDG mapping service and a GRI Academy course on SDGs reporting.
A recent publication from GRI and Support the Goals highlights trends in SDG reporting, with recommendations on how companies can improve their communication and performance.
GRI thanks the Government of Sweden for. supporting this project through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).