Setting the tone for transparency on impacts
Published date: 04 August 2022

GRI’s own report discloses the organization’s significant topics
Leading by example and encouraging all organizations and businesses to use the GRI Standards to provide transparency on their impacts, GRI has published its yearly sustainability report.
The GRI Annual Report 2021 outlines the material topics for the organization and the actions taken to address them. For instance, it shines a light on governance restructuring that took place in 2021; employee health and wellbeing amid the COVID-19 pandemic; fundraising and collaboration with partners and international organizations; and GRI’s continued mission to increase and enable sustainability reporting throughout the world.
The topics covered in the report are:
- About GRI, our people and our governance
- Creating equal opportunities in our network
- Driving better sustainability reporting
- Harmonizing the sustainability reporting landscape
- Effective collaboration with other organizations
- Improving performance through sustainability reporting
To get beneath the surface of progress and priorities throughout 2021, editorial snippets are included that offer more context on GRI’s work. These range from new standards development and the growth of the GRI Academy, to enabling reporting on the SDGs and alignment within the broader disclosure landscape.
Earlier in the year, the financial accounts – GRI Annual Accounts 2021 – were published and are also available online. This report provides a detailed overview of the organization’s income and expenditure, grants and subsidies, and reserves and liabilities.