2024 GSSB meetings

Learn more about the GSSB's meetings by accessing agendas, discussion documents and Livestream sessions from current or past proceedings.

As established in the GSSB Terms of Reference, the meetings of the GSSB ‘shall be open to the public, but certain discussions (normally about selection, appointment and other administrative issues) may be held in private at the discretion of the GSSB’.

The GSSB therefore publishes the agenda, the documents to be discussed, and a link to the Livestream on this page, approximately two weeks prior to each meeting. Information regarding GSSB meetings held in 2024 can be found below in due course. Archive of the previous years' GSSB meetings can be found here

2024 GSSB meeting dates



Tuesday 16 January

12:30-14:30 CET

Thursday 22 February

12:30-14:30 CET

Thursday 14 March

12:30-14:30 CET

Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 April

2 day in person meeting

Thursday 16 May

12:30-14:30 CEST

Thursday 20 June

12:30-14:30 CEST

Thursday 18 July


Thursday 12 September

12:30-14:30 CEST

Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 October

2-day in person meeting

Thursday 21 November

07.00-09.00 CET

Thursday 12 December

07.00-09.00 CET

Next GSSB meeting

The next meeting of the GSSB will take place on 12 September 2024. The agenda and discussion documents can be found below.

GSSB virtual Meeting – 12 September 2024

This meeting has public and private sessions.

You can listen to the livestream of the virtual meeting from 12:30 CEST here and find the presentation on the day here.

Public session


12:30-12:35 CEST

Session 1:


  • Approval of the Draft summary of the GSSB meeting held on 20 June

Item 00 - GSSB meeting agenda 12 September 2024

Item 01 - Draft summary of the GSSB meeting held on 20 June 2024

12:35-12:50 CEST

Session 2:

Sector Program - Review update


12:50-13:35 CEST

Session 3:

Sector Standard Project for Financial Services update

Item 02 – Sector Standard Project for Financial Services update

13:35-13:40 CEST

Session 4:

Any other business and close of meeting


Private session


14:10-14:30 CEST

Private Session



Previous 2024 GSSB meetings

Learn more about the GSSB meetings held in 2024 by accessing agendas, discussion documents and recordings below. Archive of earlier meetings can be found here.

GSSB meeting 18 July 2024 - cancelled

GSSB meeting 16 May 2024

GSSB meeting 9-10 April 2024

GSSB meeting 14 March 2024

GSSB meeting 22 February 2024

GSSB meeting 16 January 2024



GSSB virtual Meeting – 16 May 2024

This meeting had public and private sessions.

You can find the GSSB approved summary of the 16 May virtual meeting here shortly and listen to the recording of the virtual meeting here. You can find the slide deck here.

Public session


12:30-12:35 CEST

Session 1:


  • Approval of the Draft summary of the GSSB meeting held on 9-10 April

Item 00 - GSSB meeting agenda 16 May 2024

Item 01 - Draft summary of the GSSB meeting held on 9-10 April 2024

12:35-13:20 CEST

Session 2:

Approval of exposure draft Standards for Labor

Item 02 – GRI Topic Standard Project for Labor – Employment

Item 03 – GRI Topic Standard Project for Labor – Remuneration and Working time

Item 04 – GRI Topic Standard Project for Labor – Significant Changes for workers

Item 05 – GRI Topic Standard Project for Labor – Control of Work Standard Interpretation to GRI 2

Item 06 – Annex Explanatory memorandum to the exposure draft Standards for Labor (item 2 to 5)

13:20-13:30 CEST

Session 3:

2024 Project schedule addendum

Item 07 – 2024 Project schedule addendum to the GSSB Work Program 2023-2025

13:30-13:35 CEST

Session 4:

Any other business and close of meeting


Private session


13:35-14:30 CEST

Private Session


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GSSB In-person Meeting – 9-10 April 2024

This meeting had public and private sessions.

You can listen to the livestream of the in-person meeting as below and find the slide deck for day two here. You can find the GSSB approved summary of the 9-10 April in person meeting here.

Day one - Tuesday 9 April 2024

From 08.30-09:45 - Livestream

Public session


08:30-09:45 CEST

Session 1.1:


  • Development in regions and stakeholder constituencies

Item 00 - GSSB meeting agenda 9-10 April 2024


Private session


09:45-17:00 CEST

Private Session


Day two - Wednesday 10 April

From 09:00 - 15:45 - Livestream 1

From 13:45 - 15:30 - Livestream 2 

Public session


09:00-09:05 CEST

Session 2.1


  • Approval of Item 01 - Draft summary of the GSSB meeting held on 14 March 2024

Item 00 - GSSB meeting agenda 9-10 April 2024

Item 01 - Draft summary of the GSSB meeting held on 14 March 2024

09:05-09:50 CEST

Session 2.2

Standards update

  • Update on GRI Standards downloads and adoption
  • Translations
  • Update on launch of GRI 101: Biodiversity 2024 and GRI 14: Mining Sector 2024

09:50-10:35 CEST

Session 2.3:

Update on XBRL taxonomy


10:35-10:50  CEST


10:50-11:50 CEST

Session 2.4

Governance update

  • GSSB ToR
  • Due process Protocol
  • DPOC ToR
  • GSSB self assessment


11:50-12:50 CEST

Session 2.5

Discussion of limited scope amendments to GRI 1: Foundations 2021

Item 02 – Narrow-scope amendments to GRI 1 and GRI 3 – Discussion paper

12:50-14:00 CEST


14:00-15:30 CEST

Session 2.6

Review proposed project schedule 2024


15:30-15:45 CEST

Session 2.7

Any other business and close of meeting


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GSSB Virtual Meeting – 14 March 2024

This meeting had public and private sessions.

You can find the GSSB approved summary of the 14 March virtual meeting here and listen to the recording of the virtual meeting here. You can find the slide deck here.

Public session


12:30-12:35 CET

Session 1:


  • Approval of Item 01 - Draft summary of the GSSB meeting held on 22 February 2024
  • Approval of Item 03 – GRI Sector Standard Project for Financial Services – Proposed member substitution for Insurance Technical Committee

Item 00 - GSSB meeting agenda 14 March 2024

Item 01 - Draft summary of the GSSB meeting held on 22 February 2024

Item 03 – GRI Sector Standard
Project for Financial Services –
Proposed member substitution for Insurance Technical Committee

12:35-12:50 CET

Session 2:

GRI Topic Standard Project for Pollution - Approval of Final proposal


Item 02 - GRI Topic Standard Project for Pollution - Draft project proposal

12:50-12:55 CET

Session 3:

Any other business and close of meeting


Private session


12:55-14:30 CET

Session 3:

Private Session


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GSSB Virtual Meeting – 22 February 2024

This meeting had public and private sessions.

You can find the GSSB approved summary of the 22 February virtual meeting here and listen to the recording of the virtual meeting here. You can find the slide deck here.

Public session


12:30-12:35 CET

Session 1:


  • Approval of Item 01 - Draft summary of the GSSB meeting held on 16 January 2024

Item 00 - GSSB meeting agenda 22 February 2024

Item 01 - Draft summary of the GSSB meeting held on 16 January 2024

12:35-12:40 CET

Session 2:

Any other business and close of meeting


Private session


12:40-14:30 CET

Session 3:

Private Session


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GSSB Virtual Meeting – 16 January 2024

This meeting had public and private sessions.

You can find the GSSB approved summary of the 16 January virtual meeting here and listen to the recording of the virtual meeting here. You can find the slide deck here.

Public session


12:30-12:45 CET

Session 1:

Welcome and introduction to new members

Item 00 - GSSB meeting agenda 16 January 2024

12:45-13:00 CET

Session 2:

GRI Topic Standard Project for Economic Impact Working Group

Item 01 – GRI Topic Standard Project for Economic Impact – Proposed members for Working Group

13:00-13:20 CET

Session 3:

GRI Topic Standard Project for Pollution

Item 02 – GRI Topic Standard Project for Pollution - Draft project proposal

13:20-13:25 CET

Session 4:

Close of public sessions


Private session


13:25-14:00 CET

Session 5:

Private Session


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Meetings archive

Find out about previous meetings of the GSSB

GSSB meetings archive