Reporting with the Sector Standards
The GRI Sector Program will develop standards for 40 sectors, starting with those that have the highest impact.
As a new addition to the family of GRI Standards, the Sector Standards are designed to help identify a sector's most significant impacts and reflect stakeholder expectations for sustainability reporting. They describe the sustainability context for a sector, outline organizations' likely material topics based on the sector’s most significant impacts, and list disclosures that are relevant for the sector to report on.
The revised Universal Standards 2021, which have now been released for public use, will remain the starting point for all GRI reporting and for the use of the Sector Standards, thereby increasing transparency and relevancy of the sustainability reporting for organizations in the sector.
Oil and gas, coal, agriculture, aquaculture, and fishing are the first sectors prioritized under the Sector Program based on their significant environmental, social and economic impacts. They underpin the design and approach of the GRI Sector Standards.
Read about the program overview to learn more.
Training for reporting in sectors
A growing number of onlines courses related to Sector Standards are available through the GRI Academy.
Most recent updates
The Sector Standards for Oil and Gas (GRI 11), Coal (GRI 12), Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fishing (GRI 13), as well as Mining (GRI 14) have now been released and are available for public use.