Reporting on Human Rights with the GRI Standards

‘Reporting on human rights with the GRI Standards’ is a self-paced online course that provides an in-depth overview and analysis of how to report on human rights with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards. 

Course Content

Introduction to the course
Part 1: Introduction to human rights reporting
Part 2: Fundamentals of the GRI Standards
Part 3: Reporting expectations and disclosures for human rights set out in the GRI Standards
Final takeaways and wrap up

Who is this course designed for?

This course is aimed at new and existing reporting practitioners as well as the sustainability professionals that assist them. Other users of the GRI Standards, such as students, academics, data users, or policy makers who want to understand and gain practical knowledge on how to report on human rights using the GRI Standards are also welcome to take this course.  

What will you achieve?

When you have completed this course, you will be able to:

State the relevance of human rights and human rights transparency to business.
Describe the key concepts in the GRI Standards as well as the process for identifying impacts and determining material topics related to human rights.
Discuss the disclosures in the GRI Standards related to human rights, including the requirements and guidance.
Apply the GRI human rights-related disclosures by studying practical case studies.


To be able to fully comprehend the subject matter, working knowledge of the GRI Standards is recommended.

Reporting on Human Rights with the GRI Standards
200.00 €
3 h 30 m
Certificate of completion
To be able to fully comprehend the subject matter, working knowledge of the GRI Standards is recommended.