Build expertise and gain a competitive edge by earning a globally recognized title through this Professional Certification Program issued directly by GRI, the world's leading standard setter for sustainability disclosure.
The GRI Professional Certification Program is a comprehensive curriculum on sustainability, sustainability reporting and the application of the GRI Standards. It was designed to give sustainability professionals the opportunity to enhance their knowledge, skills and expertise in implementing the GRI Standards and to improve sustainability reporting quality. The program offers two flexible learning routes: online, self-paced on the GRI Academy (Route A), or instructor-led and fully or partly delivered by one of the GRI Certified Training Partners (Route B). Consult the leaflet for a detailed overview of the program, its courses and the two routes leading to certification.
Those who complete the required courses and pass the exam are awarded the title "GRI Certified Sustainability Professional" and are listed on the GRI website.
Los Estándares GRI para la elaboración de informes de sostenibilidad (los Estándares GRI) son las primeras y más ampliamente adoptadas normas mundiales para la elaboración de informes de sostenibilidad.
Este curso le introducirá en la práctica de la elaboración de informes de sostenibilidad y en algunos conceptos clave de los Estándares GRI. El contenido se divide en 4 módulos y llevará a los alumnos a través de los retos de la sostenibilidad, explicará qué es el desarrollo sostenible y definirá los beneficios de reportar. Adicionalmente, conocerá la historia de la Global Reporting Initiative y en los principales conceptos de los Estándares GRI, tales como los principios para la elaboración de informes, los grupos de interés, el impacto y los temas materiales.
Todos los materiales didácticos obligatorios y recomendados están disponibles en el propio curso, como descargas o como enlaces a recursos en Internet. Al finalizar el curso, los alumnos reciben un certificado de aprovechamiento. Este curso de formación forma parte del Programa de Certificación Profesional de GRI.
Público objetivo: Este curso está dirigido a cualquier persona que desee saber más sobre sostenibilidad, elaboración de memorias de sostenibilidad y cómo los Estándares GRI pueden ayudar a las organizaciones a aumentar su transparencia y comunicar sus contribuciones e impactos en materia de sostenibilidad.
Acerca del curso:
Después de asistir a este curso, será capaz de
Miembros de la Comunidad GRI:
Si es miembro de la Comunidad GRI, podrá beneficiarse de un descuento del 25%. . Para solicitar su descuento, envíenos un correo electrónico a [email protected] e infique su nombre completo y los datos de su organización.
Condiciones de reembolso:
En un plazo de 14 días, los candidatos que aún no hayan accedido al curso adquirido podrán recibir un reembolso completo. Si ya han accedido al curso, o si han transcurrido más de 14 días desde la compra del curso, los candidatos ya no tienen derecho a recibir un reembolso.
“Elaboración de informes con los Estándares GRI” es un curso de aprendizaje en línea a su propio ritmo diseñado para personas que buscan obtener una comprensión integral de los Estándares GRI y cómo utilizar los Estándares para elaborar informes de impacto con las mejores prácticas . El curso ofrece una experiencia de aprendizaje personalizada que combina la teoría de los Estándares GRI con sugerencias para su aplicación práctica.
Todos los materiales de aprendizaje requeridos y recomendados están disponibles en el curso mismo, tales como descargas o enlaces a recursos en Internet. Al completar el curso, los alumnos reciben un certificado de finalización. Este curso de formación hace parte del Programa de Certificación Profesional de GRI.
Duración: aproximadamente 3,5 horas
Público objetivo: este curso está dirigido a una amplia gama de usuarios, desde consultores de sostenibilidad, especialistas en RSE y reportantes, hasta ejecutivos de C-suit y estudiantes en el campo de la sostenibilidad y de la elaboración de reportesde RSE.
Requisitos previos: no hay requisitos previos de conocimientos específicos para el curso, pero se recomienda a los participantes que lean los Estándares Universales GRI antes de asistir a la sesión de capacitación.
Después de asistir a este curso, usted podrá:
• Explicar la estructura y propósito de los Estándares GRI.
• Definir los conceptos clave y los principios de elaboración de informes en los Estándares GRI.
• Identificar los requisitos para la elaboración de informes conforme a los Estándares GRI.
• Describir el proceso para identificar los impactos de una organización y determinar los temas materiales.
• Reportar información contextual sobre una organización y cómo maneja sus temas materiales.
Miembros de la Comunidad GRI:
Si es miembro de la Comunidad GRI, podrá beneficiarse de un descuento del 25%. . Para solicitar su descuento, envíenos un correo electrónico a [email protected] e infique su nombre completo y los datos de su organización.
Condiciones de reembolso:
En un plazo de 14 días, los candidatos que aún no hayan accedido al curso adquirido podrán recibir un reembolso completo. Si ya han accedido al curso, o si han transcurrido más de 14 días desde la compra del curso, los candidatos ya no tienen derecho a recibir un reembolso.
El curso en línea "Integración de los ODS en los informes de sostenibilidad" explorará los desafíos de sostenibilidad global que abordan los Objetivos Globales y el caso de negocio para comprometerse con los ODS. También profundizará en el papel de los informes de sostenibilidad comohabilitador del desarrollo sostenible. El curso presenta las tendencias, desafíos y oportunidades relacionadas con la presentación de informes sobre los ODS. Profundizará en los aspectos prácticos de la integración de los ODS en los procesos de elaboración de informes de sostenibilidad existentes siguiendo el enfoque de cuatro pasos descrito en los Estándares Universales GRI 2021 revisados. El curso también explorará cómo las organizaciones pueden divulgar su integración de las consideraciones de desarrollo sostenible. en la estrategia de la empresa y en las decisiones de gestión.
Durante este curso, se le animará a reflexionar sobre temas relacionados con los Objetivos Globales, probar el conocimiento que ha adquirido y escuchar a los profesionales sobre el valor de informar sobre los ODS y las recomendaciones basadas en su propia experiencia en informes.
Audiencia objetivo: Profesionales de la sostenibilidad nuevos y existentes que deseen comprender mejor cómo los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU podrían integrarse en las prácticas de elaboración de informes de sostenibilidad. Otros usuarios de los Estándares GRI (estudiantes, académicos, formuladores de políticas) que deseen comprender y obtener conocimientos prácticos sobre cómo los ODS podrían integrarse en los informes de sostenibilidad también pueden participar en este curso.
Requisitos previos: No hay requisitos previos para este curso, pero para comprender completamente la relación entre los ODS y los informes de sostenibilidad utilizando los Estándares GRI, se recomienda un conocimiento básico de los Estándares GRI.
Este curso de formación que hace parte del Programa de Certificación Profesional de GRI. El contenido del curso se ha alineado con los Estándares Universales GRI 2021 revisados.
Acerca del curso:
• Curso en línea a su propio ritmo compuesto por 4 partes
• Duración: aproximadamente 3 horas
• Certificado: Sí
• Descuento para Miembros de la Comunidad GRI: 25%
Miembros de la Comunidad GRI:
Si es miembro de la Comunidad GRI, podrá beneficiarse de un descuento del 25%. Para solicitar su descuento, envíenos un correo electrónico a [email protected] e infique su nombre completo y los datos de su organización.
Condiciones de reembolso:
En un plazo de 14 días, los candidatos que aún no hayan accedido al curso adquirido podrán recibir un reembolso completo. Si ya han accedido al curso, o si han transcurrido más de 14 días desde la compra del curso, los candidatos ya no tienen derecho a recibir un reembolso.
“Elaboración de informes sobre derechos humanos con los Estándares GRI” es un curso en línea autodidacta que proporciona una descripción general y un análisis detallado de cómo informar sobre derechos humanos con los Estándares GRI para la elaboración de informes de Sostenibilidad.
Todos los materiales de aprendizaje requeridos y recomendados están disponibles en el curso mismo, tales como descargas o enlaces a recursos en Internet. Al completar el curso, los alumnos reciben un certificado de finalización. Este curso formativo forma parte del Programa de Certificación Profesional GRI.
Audiencia objetivo: este curso está dirigido a los profesionales de elaboración de informes nuevos y existentes, así como a los profesionales de sostenibilidad que los apoyan. Otros usuarios de los Estándares GRI, como estudiantes, académicos, usuarios de datos o formuladores de políticas que deseen comprender y obtener conocimientos prácticos sobre cómo informar sobre los derechos humanos utilizando los Estándares GRI, también son bienvenidos a participar en este curso.
Requisitos previos: No hay requisitos previos de conocimientos específicos para este curso. Sin embargo, para comprender completamente el tema, le recomendamos que se familiarice con los Estándares GRI, por ejemplo, tomando el curso en línea de GRI "Informes con los Estándares GRI - Actualización 2021" disponible en GRI Academy.
Duración: aproximadamente 3,5 horas.
Después de asistir a este curso, usted podrá:
• Indicar la relevancia de los derechos humanos y de la transparencia de los derechos humanos para las empresas.
• Describir los conceptos clave de los Estándares GRI, así como el proceso de identificación de impactos y determinación de temas materiales relacionados con los derechos humanos.
• Discutir los contenidos de los Estándares GRI relacionados con los derechos humanos, incluidos los requisitos y la orientación.
• Aplicar los contenidos de GRI relacionados con los derechos humanos mediante el estudio de casos prácticos.
Miembros de la Comunidad GRI:
Si es miembro de la Comunidad GRI, podrá beneficiarse de un descuento del 25%. . Para solicitar su descuento, envíenos un correo electrónico a [email protected] e infique su nombre completo y los datos de su organización.
Condiciones de reembolso:
En un plazo de 14 días, los candidatos que aún no hayan accedido al curso adquirido podrán recibir un reembolso completo. Si ya han accedido al curso, o si han transcurrido más de 14 días desde la compra del curso, los candidatos ya no tienen derecho a recibir un reembolso.
Do NOT click on ‘BEGIN THE TEST’ to start the Exam without downloading and configuring the Proctoring software. The Exam must only be taken after the Proctoring software has been started and configured. After you complete the exam interview, the software will allow you to open an internet browser. You can then navigate to the GRI Academy's log in page, where you must enter your credentials again and navigate to the Exam folder in your profile. You can then proceed with taking the Exam.
Keep the proctoring software open on the background, to make sure it will be recording your exam attempt. Candidates that take the exam without the Proctoring software and without a proctoring video will have their Exam marked as inadmissible.
Instructions can be found in the step-by-step guide.
The Certification exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions with a time-limit of 60 minutes for completion and requires a passing score of 75%.
Best of luck with your exam!
Please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or experience any technical difficulties.
Refund terms:
Within 14 days candidates that have not yet accessed their purchased exam can receive a full refund. If the exam has been accessed, or if more than 14 days have passed since the purchase of the exam, candidates are no longer entitled to receive a refund.
Ruta A: Aprendizaje en línea y a su ritmo
Programa de Certificación Profesional de GRI - Plan de Aprendizaje
El Programa de Certificación Profesional GRI está diseñado para mejorar el conocimiento, la experiencia y las habilidades de los profesionales de la sostenibilidad en la implementación de los Estándares GRI para mejorar la calidad de los informes de sostenibilidad. Accesible a través de GRI Academy, o de un Socio de Formación Certificada (CTP), los profesionales completan cuatro cursos que cubren los fundamentos de los informes GRI, en preparación para un examen final de certificación.
Beneficios de la certificación
Esta certificación de desarrollo profesional reconocida a nivel mundial le permitirá:
Mejorar sus habilidades para la elaboración de informes
Mantener y ampliar sus conocimientos sobre sostenibilidad
Fortalecer su credibilidad
Demostrar habilidades prácticas en relación con la sostenibilidad
Cursos incluidos en este Plan de aprendizaje:
Introducción al proceso de elaboración de informes de sostenibilidad y a los Estándares GRI
Elaboración de informes con los Estándares GRI
Elaboración de informes sobre derechos humanos con los Estándares GRI
Integración de los ODS en la elaboración de informes de sostenibilidad
Después de completar los cuatro cursos de este Plan de aprendizaje, será elegible para realizar el examen de certificación profesional, que se desbloqueará y estará disponible para su compra.
Su certificación puede renovarse dentro de 2 años realizando unidades de educación continua (CEU).
Tenga en cuenta: si ha asistido a una capacitación certificada por GRI Standards a través de un Socio de Formación Certificada (CTP), ya ha adquirido el conocimiento de los cursos 'Introducción al proceso de elaboración de informes de sostenibilidad y a los Estándares GRI' y ' Elaboración de informes con los Estándares GRI' y, por lo tanto, es elegible para continuar su itinerario formativo a través de la Ruta B.
Puede encontrar más información sobre cómo comenzar o continuar su experiencia de aprendizaje a través de nuestros Socios de Formación Certificada aquí.
Miembros de la Comunidad GRI: Si su organización es miembro de la Comunidad GRI, es elegible para recibir un 25% de descuento. Para solicitar su descuento, envíenos un correo electrónico a [email protected] y proporcione su nombre completo y los detalles de la organización.
Términos de reembolso: Si un candidato no ha accedido al curso/examen del plan de aprendizaje al cual se inscribió dentro de los 14 días siguientes, podrá recibir un reembolso total del pago realizado. Si ya ha accedido a los cursos/examen, o si han transcurrido más de 14 días desde la compra del plan de aprendizaje, los candidatos no serán elegibles para la recepción de un reembolso.
The GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) are the first and most widely adopted global standards for sustainability reporting.
This course will introduce you to the sustainability reporting practice and to some key concepts of the GRI sustainability reporting Standards. The content is divided into 4 modules and will take learners through the sustainability challenges, explain what sustainable development is, and define the benefits of reporting. Additionally, you will be introduced to the story of the Global Reporting Initiative and to the main concepts of the GRI Standards such as the reporting principles, stakeholder engagement, impact and material topics.
All required and recommended learning materials are made available in the course itself, as downloads or as links to resources on the internet. Upon completing the course, learners receive a certificate of completion. This training course is part of the GRI Professional Certification Program.
Target audience: This course is aimed at anyone who wants to know more about sustainability, sustainability reporting and how the GRI Standards can help organizations increase their transparency and communicate their sustainability contributions and impacts.
About the course:
After attending this course, you will be able to
GRI Community Members:
If you are a GRI Community member you are eligible to receive a 25% discount. To request your discount please email us at [email protected] and provide your full name and organization details.
Refund terms:
Within 14 days candidates that have not yet accessed their purchased course can receive a full refund. If the course has been accessed, or if more than 14 days have passed since the purchase of the course, candidates are no longer entitled to receive a refund.
Reporting with GRI Standards 2021 Update’ is a self-paced online learning course designed for individuals seeking to gain a comprehensive understanding of the GRI Standards and how to use the Standards for best practice impact reporting. The course delivers a tailored learning experience that blends the theory of the GRI Standards with suggestions for their practical application.
All required and recommended learning materials are made available in the course itself, as downloads or as links to resources on the internet. Upon completing the course, learners receive a certificate of completion. This training course is part of the GRI Professional Certification Program.
Duration: approximately 3.5 hours
Target audience: This course is aimed at a wide range of users, from sustainability consultants, CSR specialists and reporters, to C-suit executives and students in the field of sustainability and CSR reporting.
Prerequisites: There are no specific knowledge prerequisites for the course, but participants are encouraged to read the GRI Universal Standards prior to attending the training session.
After attending this course, you will be able to:
GRI Community Members:
If you are a GRI Community member you are eligible to receive a 25% discount. To request your discount please email us at [email protected] and provide your full name and organization details.
Refund terms:
Within 14 days candidates that have not yet accessed their purchased course can receive a full refund. If the course has been accessed, or if more than 14 days have passed since the purchase of the course, candidates are no longer entitled to receive a refund.
‘Reporting on human rights with the GRI Standards’ is a self-paced online course that provides an in-depth overview and analysis of how to report on human rights with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards.
All required and recommended learning materials are made available in the course itself, as downloads or as links to resources on the internet. Upon completing the course, learners receive a certificate of completion. This training course is part of the GRI Professional Certification Program.
Target audience: This course is aimed at new and existing reporting practitioners as well as the sustainability professionals that assist them. Other users of the GRI Standards, such as students, academics, data users, or policy makers who want to understand and gain practical knowledge on how to report on human rights using the GRI Standards are also welcome to take this course.
Prerequisites: There are no specific knowledge prerequisites for this course. However, to fully comprehend the subject matter, we recommend you familiarize yourself with the GRI Standards by, for instance, taking GRI’s online course ‘Reporting with the GRI Standards - 2021 Update’ available on the GRI Academy.
Duration: approximately 3.5 hours.
After attending this course, you will be able to:
GRI Community Members:
If you are a GRI Community member you are eligible to receive a 25% discount. To request your discount please email us at [email protected] and provide your full name and organization details.
Refund terms:
Within 14 days candidates that have not yet accessed their purchased course can receive a full refund. If the course has been accessed, or if more than 14 days have passed since the purchase of the course, candidates are no longer entitled to receive a refund.
This online course will explore the global sustainability challenges that are addressed by the Global Goals and the business case for engaging with the SDGs. It will also delve into the role of sustainability reporting in enabling sustainable development; and, trend, challenges and opportunities related to reporting on the SDGs.
This course will take a deep dive into practical aspects of integrating the SDGs into existing sustainability reporting processes by following the steps outlined in the publication Integrating the SDGs into Corporate Reporting: A Practical Guide, developed by the UN Global Compact and GRI. This course ends with guidance on how to use the tool An Analysis of the Goals and Targets, also developed by GRI and the UN Global Compact, that can be applied to find the appropriate indicators and GRI disclosures to report on the SDGs. By upholding recognized standards and principles on issues such as human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, organizations make an essential contribution to the SDGs.
All required and recommended materials are made available in the course itself, as downloads or as links to resources on the internet. Upon completing the course, learners receive a certificate of completion. This training course is part of the GRI Professional Certification Program.
Duration: approximately 3 hours
Target audience: Sustainability professionals who want to get a better understanding of how the UN Sustainable Development Goals could be integrated into sustainability reporting practices or are trying to embed the SDGs in sustainability reports.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this course, but to fully understand the relation between the SDGs and sustainability reporting using the GRI Standards, a basic knowledge of the GRI Standards is recommended.
After attending this course, you will be able to:
GRI Community Members:
If you are a GRI Community member you are eligible to receive a 25% discount. To request your discount please email us at [email protected] and provide your full name and organization details.
Refund terms:
Within 14 days candidates that have not yet accessed their purchased course can receive a full refund. If the course has been accessed, or if more than 14 days have passed since the purchase of the course, candidates are no longer entitled to receive a refund.
Do NOT click on ‘BEGIN THE TEST’ to start the Exam without downloading and configuring the Proctoring software. The Exam must only be taken after the Proctoring software has been started and configured. After you complete the exam interview, the software will allow you to open an internet browser. You can then navigate to the GRI Academy's log in page, where you must enter your credentials again and navigate to the Exam folder in your profile. You can then proceed with taking the Exam.
Keep the proctoring software open on the background, to make sure it will be recording your exam attempt. Candidates that take the exam without the Proctoring software and without a proctoring video will have their Exam marked as inadmissible.
Instructions can be found in the step-by-step guide.
The Certification exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions with a time-limit of 60 minutes for completion and requires a passing score of 75%.
Best of luck with your exam!
Please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or experience any technical difficulties.
Refund terms:
Within 14 days candidates that have not yet accessed their purchased exam can receive a full refund. If the exam has been accessed, or if more than 14 days have passed since the purchase of the exam, candidates are no longer entitled to receive a refund.
GRI Professional Certification – Learning Plan
The GRI Professional Certification Program is designed to enhance the knowledge, expertise, and skills of sustainability professionals in implementing the GRI Standards to improve the quality of sustainability reporting. Accessible via the GRI Academy, or a Certified Training Partner, professionals complete four courses that cover the fundamentals of GRI reporting, in preparation for a final certification exam.
Benefits of Certification
Globally applicable professional development that allows you to:
Courses included in this Learning Plan:
After completing all four courses from this Learning Plan, you become eligible to take the Professional Certification Exam, which will be unlocked and become available to be purchased.
Your certification can be renewed within 2 years by taking continuing education units (CEUs).
Please note: If you have attended a GRI Standards Certified training via a Training Partner you have already gained the knowledge on the courses ‘Introduction to sustainability reporting and the GRI Standards 2021 Update’ and ‘Reporting with GRI Standards 2021’, and therefore are eligible to continue your learning path via the Route B.
More information on how to start or continue your learning experience through our Certified Training Partners can be found here.
GRI Community members: If your organization is a GRI Community member you are eligible to receive a 25% discount. To request your discount, please emails us at [email protected] and provide your full name and organization details.
Refund terms: Within 14 days, candidates who have not yet accessed their purchased courses/exam within this learning plan can receive a full refund. If the courses and/or exam have been accessed, or if more than 14 days have passed since the purchase of the learning plan, candidates are no longer entitled to receive a refund.
Are you facing your first ESRS reporting and unsure where to start, feeling like you should have started yesterday? Or are you simply curious about the CSRD and ESRS, eager to learn more about it all? Join us for an introductory course that covers all the basics: from understanding the CSRD and its role in the sustainability reporting landscape, to mastering ESRS fundamentals and the exact steps you need to take to prepare for your first reporting cycle. On top of that, you'll also have the opportunity to learn from a real-life example of a company preparing for its ESRS reporting, sharing their tips and tricks. Prepare yourself for an exciting journey into the realm of corporate sustainability reporting!
Course description
The GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) are the first and most widely adopted global standards for sustainability reporting.
This online course will take a deep dive into the process of stakeholder engagement as prescribed by the GRI Standards. It will explore the relevant disclosures related to stakeholder engagement and provide some practical tips on approaching and engaging with stakeholders.
About the course:
After attending this course, you will be able to
GRI Community Members:
If you are a GRI Community member you are eligible to receive a 25% discount. To request your discount please email us at [email protected] and provide your full name and organization details.
Refund terms:
Within 14 days candidates that have not yet accessed their purchased course can receive a full refund. If the course has been accessed, or if more than 14 days have passed since the purchase of the course, candidates are no longer entitled to receive a refund.
If you are reporting with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and want to achieve CSRD compliance, this course is for you. It provides a hands-on approach to conducting a double materiality assessment, guiding you through every critical step to ensure your organization meets the requirements of the ESRS. The case studies will help you gain practical insights into how double materiality enables meaningful and connected corporate reporting.
What data is essential for sustainability reporting? How can organizations meet ESRS general disclosure requirements? And how should they approach reporting on material sustainability matters? This online course addresses these questions and more.
You’ll explore data collection practices, learn what to report under ESRS 2 General Disclosures, and dive into topical ESRS. The course also features a case study on how a multinational company is preparing for ESRS reporting, providing practical insights to guide your own efforts.
What data is essential for sustainability reporting? How can organizations meet ESRS general disclosure requirements? And how should they approach reporting on material sustainability matters? This online course addresses these questions and more.
You’ll explore data collection practices, learn what to report under ESRS 2 General Disclosures, and dive into topical ESRS. The course also features a case study on how a multinational company is preparing for ESRS reporting, providing practical insights to guide your own efforts.
Instructor-led: If you prefer instructor-led training in your local language, book a trainer-facilitated online or in-person classroom course delivered by one of our trusted Certified Training Partners in more than 50 countries.
Many of our training partners offer the full learning path to prepare for the Certification Exam:
Enjoy a highly interactive setting with expert guidance from your trainer, local and context-specific materials and the opportunity to broaden your perspectives and build your network through knowledge sharing with fellow participants.
All our Certified Training Partners deliver the flagship training course that is the start of Route B, and combines the first two courses of Route A (see the program leaflet for details):
In addition, many training partners provide instructor-led additional courses that are also available at the GRI Academy, such as:
Check the online training partner calendar for dates and details on specific courses.
Besides sustainability reporting professionals (within companies) and consultants, this program is also very useful for anyone who works with sustainability reporting, such as Chief Sustainability Officers and assurers.
You can become certified by completing the full Certification Program via Route A or Route B and passing the Certification Exam. You can find the details of the program in this leaflet.
All courses on the GRI Academy, including the Certification Exam, are self-paced and available 24/7. After completing the required certification courses, learners can take the exam at their convenience without having to make an appointment.
If you have any doubts, please refer to our FAQ section. You can find solutions to commonly asked questions about our policies, procedures, and services.